Jerry - definitie. Wat is Jerry
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Wat (wie) is Jerry - definitie

Jerry (disambiguation); Jerry (racehorse); Jerry (horse)

·add. ·adj Flimsy; jerry-built.
¦ noun (plural Jerries) Brit. informal, derogatory a German or Germans collectively (especially in military contexts).
First World War: prob. an alt. of German.
¦ noun (plural jerries) Brit. informal, dated a chamber pot.
C19: prob. a dimin. of jeroboam.



Jerry may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Jerry
1. JERRY: I'm Jerry Harvey.
The Rise of the In-Ear Monitor _ Jerry Harvey _ Talks at Google
2. Jerry?'"
The Art of Asking _ Amanda Palmer _ Talks at Google
3. AUDIENCE: Jerry West, Jerry Buss.
Out of Line - A Life of Playing with Fire _ Barbara Lynch _ Talks at Google
4. >> Larry: Jerry Siegel, Jerry Siegel, so we've
Superman _ High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero _ Larry Tye _ Talks at Google
5. >>Jerry: Ahhh >>audience member: Yay Jerry!
My Film Making Career _ Jerry Zucker _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jerry
1. "The interesting thing about Jerry is that Jerry is extremely filmmaker–friendly.
2. I can‘t divorce Jerry.‘ "Buddy thought I was going to ruin my life if I stayed with Jerry.
3. Her attorney, Jerry Burg, disputed the allegations.
4. Appropriations: David Obey, Wis.; Jerry Lewis, Calif.
5. Crying off: Sick Jerry leaves show Jerry Hall has pulled out of the West End musical production of High Society citing glandular fever.